Visual processing issues occur when the brain has trouble interpreting visual information. A person can have 20/20 visual acuity but have a visual processing disorder. Symptoms include, but are not limited to, trouble drawing or copying, inability to detect differences in shapes or letters, and letter reversals. There are eight different types of visual processing issues: visual discrimination issues, visual figure-ground discrimination issues, visual sequencing issues, visual-motor processing issues, long- or short-term visual memory issues, visual-spatial issues, visual closure issues, and letter and symbol reversal issues.
If the patient or the doctor has concern about visual processing issues, then additional testing may be scheduled. Neuro Eye Team uses several standardized tests to determine if the patient has a visual processing disorder. The testing amount will vary on a case by case basis according to patient’s need. When testing is completed, the standardized results and an explanation of the results will be formatted in a written report. These results will be discussed at the consultation.